Clarion-Ledger clipping

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Mitchell, Peter, 1831-; Craytin, Henry; Moore, Lemuel C.; Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885

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All for Grant.

It will be seen that the simon pure Republicans in the Legislature are nearly all for Grant. This does not surprise us; but what does amaze us is the preference expressed for him by Messrs. Cratin, of Yazoo, Peter Mitchell, of Washington, and Lem. Moore of Issaquena. Cratin was regularly nominated and elected as a Democrat, and nobody questioned his right to participate, as such, in the Democratic-Conservative caucus. Mitchell and Moore, though not nominated and elected as members of the Democratic-Conservative party took their seats in the caucus upon the pledge to support the candidates of "the Democratic party in future." How are they to reconcile this pledge with their preference for Grant, a Republican of the most odious class, over such Democrats as Seymour, Hancock, Tilden, Bayard, Hendricks, or Thurman. What is more remarkable still, they not only prefer Grant as a first choice, but Blaine, another Republican of the ultra school, as their second choice. We hope these "men and brethren," will yet see the error of the way they have indicated their intention to go. Meantime the opinion of THE CLARION as to the best mode of organizing the caucus for the preservation of its integrity, will not be forgotten.


Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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