Hinds County Gazette clipping

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ALCORN UNIVERSITY. Our late learned Legislature, just before its final adjournment, passed an act creating a new university, to be supported by the State, like the one at Oxford, for the education of the negroes of Mississippi, and, in honor to the Governor, gave it the name of "Alcorn University." So far as we can learn, the Legislature did not fix upon a location for the institution, deferring that, possibly, to the Board of Trustees. The parties appointed to take the enterprise in charge, are named thus: H. R. Revels, president; and S. J. Ireland, A. Henderson, J. R. Lynch, J. J. Spellman, Robt. Gleed, A. D. Jones, M. Howard, S. F. Boulden, Thos. Richards and Doctor Stites, trustees. The institution will no doubt afford another splendid opening for a prodigal waste of the money of the State, and afford fat salaries for a large number of carpet-baggers who are anxious to be quartered upon the tax-paying people of Mississippi. The trustees named are to meet for business on the first Wednesday of July ensuing.


Hinds County Gazette, “Hinds County Gazette clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/960.

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