Vicksburg Herald clipping

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About the 30th of June last, we received the following letter, from James Lynch, negro, editor of the "Colored Citizen's Monthly," published at Jackson. In reply to the epistle from the charcoal apostle, which was by letter, we informed him that the article to which we referred pointed to the time when he was drunk in the streets of Jackson, arrested by the police and put in prison, and that it was the time when he would have received much severer treatment but for the interferance of a clerk at Military Headquarters. We requested that if he attempted to deny this fact he would please inform us by mail, since which time we have not received a line from the abstenious and strictly temperate, saddle colored saint. It will be seen from a reading of the letter, that he has brazenly and impudently attempted to palm off a falsehood upon the public. He, in effect, says that he never used liquor in his life or acted under its influence. Was ever such impudence as he has shown? - a minister of the Gospel and then to write such a palpable falsehood, and impudently appeal to our "honor and common regard for our fellow-men," to withdraw our assertions about him. We will do nothing of the kind. You may get drunk as much as you please and deny it afterwards, but do not impudently call upon us again to relieve you from your miserable action.


JACKSON, MISS., June 29, 1869.


Dear Sir - A friend called my attention the other day to an editorial in your paper denouncing me as a drunkard. Now, sir, I appeal to your honor and common regard for your fellow-men, and ask you is it right - will your calmer judgment sustain you in injuring the character of a man who never did you harm - who never did any one harm? I have maintained an unblemished reputation since my infancy. Those who know me will declare they never saw me <em>use liquor or act under its influence</em>.

Will you not act fairly in this matter and make that allusion to the editorial in question as will relieve me from an unjust censure? Your paper carries this charge where no vindication of mine can ever reach. Perhaps you did this from political motives, but certainly this need not influence you, as my political course means injury to no one.

Respectfully yours,




Vicksburg Herald, “Vicksburg Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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