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Hinds County Scallawag Convention.

As a matter of local interest, we make the following extracts from the “official” report of the proceedings of a meeting of scallawags, at Raymond on Monday last:

At noon the Convention was called to order by Rev. James Lynch, (colored) Chairman of the Executive Committee; and Samuel Donnell, Esq., (white skin) acted as Secretary.

The latter offered the following resolution, which was agreed to: That this Convention recommend, Rankin and Simpson concurring, the names of Col. E. A. Peyton and Rev. Jas. Lynch, as suitable persons for members of the State Senate from this district.

Mr. Mayson advanced his own claims as a candidate for the Senate, and offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That E. A. Peyton and Henry Mayson be, and are hereby declared to be the unanimous choice of this Convention as Republican candidates for the State Senate, for the district composed of the counties of Hinds, Rankin, and Simpson. Which was lost.

The resolution of S. Donnell, was then put and carried; whereupon said individual offered the following, which was carried:

“That it is the sense of this convention, that the delegates to the convention be composed of both white and colored delegates.”

Mr. Caldwell was indifferent as to color, but wanted honest and true men to represent us.

Mr. Norris objected to the resolution.

The following were elected as candidates for the lower house: Parsons, Caldwell, Norris and Nelson – the last three, colored.

It will be seen from the foregoing, that the HON. Henry Mayson, has been flanked by the REV. James Lynch, another, but a smarter negro, from Baltimore. Perhaps Henry was sacrificed in order that he may be the more available for the United States Senate!




Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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