Letter from Haskin Smith to Governor Ames
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Legislative Department,
Port Gibson, Miss., Decem 27th 1874
To His Excellency Governor Ames;
Dear Governor;
From developments of the past week and unmistakable indications of to-day there is a movement on foot, it may be in shape of a petition, to have R F Gordon appointed to the position of Circuit Clerkship made vacant by the death of Frank H. Smith. About a month ago a committee was appointed by a mass meeting of republicans to wait upon R F Gordon to have him head our local election ticket. At that time it was indeed a difficult task for our party to select a candidate who was really eligible. Our material was indeed scarce, and we were in a precarious condition. R. F. Gordon had always enjoyed the patronage of the Republican party; has occupied several offices in the gift of the Republican party, and agreed to keep secret, when the committee waited upon, its action. The committee having waited upon him, felt safe in making him the standard bearer of our municipal election. About twenty four hours prior to the opening of the polls it became known that R F Gordon was our candidate for mayor. On hearing this the “White Liners” monopolized his society and succeeded in their attempt to have him withdraw his name from the ticket. Gordon came out on the corners of the streets in a card denying any connection with the ticket entirely. This threw our party out of the field altogether, and left the “Liners” only to walk into office. And, sir the most significant charge we prefer against Mr Gordon is the fact that ^he^ voted the straight “White Line” ticket, thus severing his connection with the Republican party as known here.
There are a few of his personal friends, backed by the “White Liners,” who are endeavoring to secure his appointment to this office. It is obvious that they do not reflect the wishes of the republicans but consciously incurring the bitter hostility of the dominant party. I am of opinion, sir, that such an appointment, repugnant as it undoubtedly would be to our party, giving a democratic com-plexion to a republican office, would result in serious consequences to the party.
The Republican Executive Committee of the county meets on the 29th inst at which meeting it will recommend some one. It is desired that action on your part be defered until this recommendation be made.
Yours Respectfully
H S Smith
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