Memphis Daily Appeal clipping

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Chalmers, James R. (James Ronald), 1831-1898; Lynch, John Roy, 1847-1939; Brown, George P. A.

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White and Black Republicans Canvassing for Him - A Glorious Outlook.

From an Appeal Correspondent]

O.K., TUNICA COUNTY, MISS., October 30 - The congressional canvass between Chalmers and Lynch has taken an interesting turn in this (Tunica) county in the last week. Captain M. J. Manning, Captain V. B. Waddell, and Mr. Calvin Perkins, all staunch Republicans, nevertheless honest, enterprising and worthy citizens, have been campaigning day and night for Chalmers. They began at the lower end of the county on Monday, the twenty-third instant, and have thus far canvassed the lower end of the county, and spoke at Austin on Saturday last. They are carrying everything before them like a tornado. Dr. P. E. Chapman, Mr. T. W. L. Askew, George P. A. Brown and T. J. Woodson proposed to meet these gentlemen, representing Lynch. Dr. Chapman attended two meetings and then retired. Woodson, who is elector for this district, took Captain Waddell's place at Austin on Saturday. Brown has gone over to the support of Chalmers also, and the Chalmers party are having it all their own way. Tunica county registers about eighteen hundred votes, and Chalmers will get nine tenths of all the votes cast. The campaign will continue at the upper precincts this week. Chalmers will certainly be elected. NICK O'DENNIS.




Memphis Daily Appeal, “Memphis Daily Appeal clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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