Weekly Mississippi Pilot clipping

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Thanksgiving Service at the Mt. Helm Baptist Church.

MR. EDITOR: I was pleased to see that the day set apart by Gov. Alcorn for Public Prayer and Thanksgiving, was generally observed by the citizens of Jackson, and especially by the colored citizens. I had the pleasure of attending the services held at the Mt. Helm Baptist church (colored), which was crowded from "pit to dome," with an attentive congregation. In gazing around the crowded throng, I was pleased to see among the congregation several of the Hon. Members of the Legislature, among whom were the Hon. T. W. Stringer, Rev. Wm. Gray and several from the House of Representatives. The Rev. Marion Dunbar opened the service with the 82 chapter of Isaiah, from which he delivered some fine and appropriate remarks, which were well suited to the occasion. He referred to the past condition of the colored race, and the great radical change that has since taken place, which we take great pleasure in saying was a very able, worthy and instructive sermon. The Rev. Jas. Lynch followed in a very striking and forcible sermon, which was received with emotions of joy from the entire congregation.

The Rev. T. M. Newsom, next delivered some beautiful sentiments, being both forcible and appropriate. In conclusion the Rev. T. W. Stringer addressed the congregation in a sound, sensible and well-timed sermon, which proved that he could equally fill the high and responsible positions of Senator and Minister of the Gospel. I must not forget to mention Hon. Wm. Gray, who filled the position as chorister, with great credit to himself, and afforded the church very attractive music. On the whole the services at the Mt. Helm Colored Baptist Church, were in every way worthy of the colored people who participated in the exercises, and the occasion they were made to celebrate. H. H.




Weekly Mississippi Pilot, “Weekly Mississippi Pilot clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/464.

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