Vicksburg Daily Times clipping

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Colored Missionary Baptist Convention

On the 12th of this month the colored Missionary Baptist Convention assembled at Mount Pleasant Church, at 10 o'clock A.M. Elder H. P. Jacobs was called to the chair and Elder R. A. J. Bryant made secretary, with Elder William Gray assistant secretary. The 37th psalm and 76th hymn having been read and prayer offered that the Almighty would vouchsafe his blessing upon their undertakings, the names of the delegates were enrolled, and the following standing committees appointed by the chair:

Committee on Letters - Elder W. B. Black, George Washington, G. W. Gayles and Grand Weard.

Committee on Religious Exercises - Elders G. Middleton, R. Pollard, Simon Wright and Prince Hurgerson.

Committee on Finance - Elders A. Fairfax, William Gray, Ambrose Archey and A. Swan.

At the evening session Elder A. J. Bryant preached from Paul's Epistle to the Hebrew, chap. 4. v. 5. The sermon was well adapted to the occasion and concluded with a strong appeal to the hearts of those present, telling them that if they would do right at the last day it would be with them as it was with the Apostle.

The following committee on grievances, was appointed by the chair: Elders R. Pollard, H. White, L. Ward, Henry North and S. Sharors. At 8 o'clock a sermon was preached by Elder John Smith, after which some miscellaneous business was gotten through with, and the Convention adjourned until morning.

At 9 o'clock, Wednesday, July 13th, the Convention was called to order by the President, and after reading the minutes and calling the roll, the following Missionary committee was appointed: Elders John Smith, G. Middleton, T. Michens, J. S. Smothers, William Gray, A. H. Dickson and M. B. Black. In the evening the Louisiana delegation were invited to seats. Sermons and prayers occupied the time until adjournment.

The 14th, and the morning of the 15th were both occupied by sermons, prayers, the hearing and receiving of committee reports, and transaction of miscellaneous business.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Rev. H. P. Jacobs, President; Rev. H. White, Vice President; Revs. H. P. Jacobs and Wm. Gray, Corresponding Secretaries, and Rev. J. M. Williams, recording Secretary. The Executive Board consists of the following named ministers: R. Pollard, President; H. P. Jacobs, corresponding Secretary; J. M. P. Williams, Recording Secretary; John Smith, A. Smarty, J. Briscoe, Henry Williams, G. Middleton, J. Smatters, R. H. Steptoe, H White, A. Fairfax, William Shorter and M. B. Black.

The committee on Education and Publication, July 15th, made a report that was adopted in which we find the following resolutions:

1. That Rev. H. Jacobs, the President of this convention, and the Hon. Wm. Gray, with such others of this body as they may please to add to themselves, be and they are hereby constituted a committee to proceed and take the initiatory steps for establishing a Baptist paper that shall be the official organ of this body; and also to look out a favorable site for the founding of a Theological Seminary or Baptist College.

2. That they canvass for the necessary means to establish their enterprise, and if successful to establish them under the advice of the Executive Board of this committee.

After adopting a resolution of thanks to their kind Vicksburg friends, the Convention, on motion, adjourned yesterday evening (15th), to meet in New Orleans on the 2nd Monday of March, 1871, at the Fourth Baptist Church, Elder Fairfax to preach the introductory sermon. There were about 160 ministers of the Gospel present during the sitting of the Convention, among whom was the Rev. S. P. Anderson, from New York, Elders E. Wright, J. Woodson, and others, from St. Louis, as well as a delegation from Louisiana. There was also present Rufus Perry, editor of the American Baptist, New York. We are sorry that our space will not permit a publication of the proceedings in extenso.




Vicksburg Daily Times, “Vicksburg Daily Times clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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