Vicksburg Journal clipping

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Head, Charles P.; Revels, Hiram R. (Hiram Rhoades), 1827-1901; Mayson, Henry; Education--Mississippi; African American schools; Vicksburg (Miss.)

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Meeting of School Committee of Colored Schools.

VICKSBURG, MISS., Sept. 8, '65.

At a meeting of the school committee of colored schools, Rev. H. R. Revels was called to the chair. Members of the committee present: D. Foote, J. S. Moore, C. P. Head, H. Mayson, A. Newton and Jas. Middleton - Absent: G. W. Walton. After prayer by the Rev. H. R. Revels, the committee proceeded to business. Mr. Moore moved that the committee assess every male adult colored person two dollars per quarter for the support of schools, and every adult female colored, one dollar per quarter, which was adopted.

Mr. Foote moved that a committee of two be appointed to canvass the city and ascertain the names of all adult colored persons living in and about the city, which was adopted; and C. P. Head and C. H. Fishback were appointed as such committee. Mr. Head and Fishback offered to perform the duty for $2.50 per day, which was agreed to by the committee, and they were directed to commence their labors on Monday, the 11th of September.

Moved that the proceedings of the Convention be published in the Vicksburg Journal.

H. R. REVELS, Chairman.
C. P. HEAD, Secretary.




Vicksburg Journal, “Vicksburg Journal clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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