New National Era clipping

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After the delivery of Mr. Pile's speech our young friend Hon. R. W. Houston, of Issaquena county, obtained the floor and made a most touching and eloquent speech, couched in the following language:

I see, sir, from the clock, that the hour will soon arrive when you will be called upon to perform the last remaining act of your official duty as Speaker, in announcing the House of Representatives of this State adjourned sine die.

We have been here for weeks actively engaged in Legislative labors. A portion of that time we have marked our history with warm disputations on great questions. Many questions of parliamentary laws were raised and presented for your settlement. Your duties were thus made difficult and onerous. And now, sir, at the end of all the spirited intellectual contests, at the hour when we are to shake hands with each other, and say the sad words good-bye, perhaps for the last time this side of the dark waters, I say to you, sir, that you have given us no cause to murmur on account of urbanity or impartiality. And I ask, Mr. Speaker, that you accept my profoundest gratitude for the dignified courtesy and distinguished manliness and marked ability which have characterized your entire conduct as the chief honored officer of this body. Your native honesty, and kindness of heart, and uniform politeness, sir, have made a deep impression, I may say on all the members of this House.

I shall carry with me through all time a proud recollection of my connection with this Assembly, and with you, sir, as our Speaker.




New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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