Clarion-Ledger clipping
Dublin Core
Johnson, William, active 1872-1877; Mayson, Henry; Hinds County (Miss.); Education--Mississippi
Text Item Type Metadata
Hinds County School Directors.
The following is the Board of School Directors of this county:
Superintendent - J. C. Tucker, carpetsacker.
Dry Grove - Henry Mayson, colored.
Edwards - E. Matthews, white.
Jackson - H. W. Pierce, white.
Clinton - Carter Stewart, colored.
Utica - Dr. W. C. Hicks, white.
Raymond - Wm. Johnson, colored.
Speaking of the Board as thus constituted, our well-informed neighbor of the Hinds County Gazette, says:
Many of the citizens seem to think that this is the finishing stroke to the "free schools" so far as the whites are concerned, except that the whites are to continue, as heretofore, to pay the enormous taxes which are required to keep up the machinery. We are not disposed to despair, however. We have known all the colored men on the Board from their childhood - they are natives of the county, two (Stewart and Johnson) were born and raised in this immediate vicinity - and we are confident that they are preferable, as directors, to white men of the stripe of the Superintendent. They are reasonable men, to the manor born, and will, we feel confident, only feel it their duty to exercise control over the colored schools, while they will leave to Prof. Pierce, Mr. Matthews and Dr. Hicks, the management of the white schools and the white teachers.
The following is the Board of School Directors of this county:
Superintendent - J. C. Tucker, carpetsacker.
Dry Grove - Henry Mayson, colored.
Edwards - E. Matthews, white.
Jackson - H. W. Pierce, white.
Clinton - Carter Stewart, colored.
Utica - Dr. W. C. Hicks, white.
Raymond - Wm. Johnson, colored.
Speaking of the Board as thus constituted, our well-informed neighbor of the Hinds County Gazette, says:
Many of the citizens seem to think that this is the finishing stroke to the "free schools" so far as the whites are concerned, except that the whites are to continue, as heretofore, to pay the enormous taxes which are required to keep up the machinery. We are not disposed to despair, however. We have known all the colored men on the Board from their childhood - they are natives of the county, two (Stewart and Johnson) were born and raised in this immediate vicinity - and we are confident that they are preferable, as directors, to white men of the stripe of the Superintendent. They are reasonable men, to the manor born, and will, we feel confident, only feel it their duty to exercise control over the colored schools, while they will leave to Prof. Pierce, Mr. Matthews and Dr. Hicks, the management of the white schools and the white teachers.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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