Clarion-Ledger clipping

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Mayson, Henry; African American newspapers

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"THE COLORED CITIZEN," is the style of a new paper about being established in Vicksburg by Henry Mayson, editor and proprietor. The following is the prospectus:

The Citizen will be devoted to the true interests of the Freedmen of Mississippi. I will advocate freely and fearlessly their civil and political equality - their right and capability to think and act for themselves in all matters pertaining to their own advancement and prosperity, or the well being of the State at large. The Citizen will earnestly endeavor to expose the fallacious arguments of demagogues, and will condemn fraud and deception wherever found.

The following will be the platform on which the Citizen will be conducted:

Believing that the interests of THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE ARE IDENTICAL, and that all good men, both black and white, should co-operate in the great work of restoring prosperity and happiness, we shall advocate -

"1. That white men and black men shall vote upon the same and equal terms and none other.

"2. That white men and black men shall hold office upon the same and equal terms and none other.

"3. That no tax shall be assessed upon a colored man unless a similar tax is assessed upon the white man.

"4. That not one dollar of the public money shall be appropriated for the education of a white child unless another dollar is appropriated alongside of it for the education of a black child.

"5. That there shall be no differences or distinctions between persons of different races, except such as the God of nature has created, and such as the rules of politeness and usages of society, and the unfettered common sense of all mankind shall establish and enforce, without the aid of laws."

The undersigned confidently appeals to his own people, and to his white friends, to sustain him in this effort.

The services of able writers, of both colors, have been secured, and apart from its political features, the Citizen will be a first-class paper in every respect; containing full telegraphic and market reports, sketches, poetry, exchange news, miscellaneous matter, &c., &c.

The price of the Citizen will be $3.50 per annum, payable in advance.




Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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