Tri-Weekly Clarion clipping
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Total Route of the Carpet-Baggers!
Resolutions unanimously adopted on the Platform of a Constitution that will secure the "civil and political rights of all persons!"
BRANDON, April 24, 1869.
Mr. Editor: Agreeably to adjournment last Saturday, the meeting assembled to-day at the Court House, to receive the report of the Committee on Resolutions, which was composed of six white and six colored members.
At an early hour the freedmen began to assemble, and about 11 o'clock there appeared on the street, Jim Lynch, Henry Mayson and H. T. Fisher, of Jackson, all of whom no doubt thought their valuable services were needed to aid the people of the "Free State in re-constructing themselves."
Total Route of the Carpet-Baggers!
Resolutions unanimously adopted on the Platform of a Constitution that will secure the "civil and political rights of all persons!"
BRANDON, April 24, 1869.
Mr. Editor: Agreeably to adjournment last Saturday, the meeting assembled to-day at the Court House, to receive the report of the Committee on Resolutions, which was composed of six white and six colored members.
At an early hour the freedmen began to assemble, and about 11 o'clock there appeared on the street, Jim Lynch, Henry Mayson and H. T. Fisher, of Jackson, all of whom no doubt thought their valuable services were needed to aid the people of the "Free State in re-constructing themselves."
Tri-Weekly Clarion, “Tri-Weekly Clarion clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 13, 2025,
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