Clarion-Ledger clipping

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Prominent Colored Men Who Will not do McKee's Bidding.

Several influential colored men of the city have been interviewed on the subject of the M., J. & K. C. Railroad, and their answers go to show that Gen. McKee has not the slightest influence with any of them. In the first place they do not propose to have it said that any man carries their vote in his vest pocket; second, they realize the benefits that would accrue to the laboring men of the city; third, they do not think this a political matter; fourth, they have not forgotten the speech made by Gen. McKee in which he urged the organization of a white man's Republican party in the South.

M. M. McLEOD, Attorney-at-law, a large property owner in the city, and one of the most competent, honorable and reliable colored men in the State, says: "I am decidedly in favor of the road and would vote for it to-day, and pull off my coat and work for it as hard as I could. I am surprised to know that so much attention was paid to what Gen. McKee said; it was nothing but a bluff; no man could deliver the colored vote of this city. This is not the time to settle political matters - they will settle themselves in the course of time; the best people in the community don't want any more elections like the one we had last January - they do the city harm."




Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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