Daily State Ledger clipping
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The following paragraph is clipped from the Washington Post:
"A number of local Democrats were discussing politics at the Metropolitan. One of the party remarked that he had seen in the Post a statement that L. C. Moore, a colored ex-member of the legislature of Mississippi, who has done missionary work among the colored voters of New York under the direction of the national committee, was a candidate for Recorder of deeds for the District to succeed ex-Senator Bruce, and that he had the support of the Mississippi delegation in Congress."
This Lem Moore has a political history, darkey as he is, the memory of which is revived by the foregoing mention. Lem was a Republican member of the Mississippi Legislature in 1880, but got himself into the Democratic Senatorial caucus by taking the pledge that he was a Democrat and would act with the party in future. It was not long before he drifted into Washington, and became a messenger at one of the Departments, and with an eye to business he has managed to keep the place ever since.
It seems that Lem now aspires to one of the best paying offices in the government, worth anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 a year, over the heads of consistent, well-qualified and deserving Democrats. The report that he will be supported by the Mississippi delegation, the STATE LEDGER will undertake to say, is a fabrication out of whole cloth.
In the snug little place of $30 or $40 a month, which he has been enjoying for 10 or 12 years, he is getting as much as he deserves.
The occupancy of the office of Recorder by Fred Douglass under Arthur, and of Bruce, (ex-Sergeant-at-arms of the Mississippi Legislature) under Harrison, furnish no grounds for the appointment of Lem Moore. It is time to take down the ebony idol.
The following paragraph is clipped from the Washington Post:
"A number of local Democrats were discussing politics at the Metropolitan. One of the party remarked that he had seen in the Post a statement that L. C. Moore, a colored ex-member of the legislature of Mississippi, who has done missionary work among the colored voters of New York under the direction of the national committee, was a candidate for Recorder of deeds for the District to succeed ex-Senator Bruce, and that he had the support of the Mississippi delegation in Congress."
This Lem Moore has a political history, darkey as he is, the memory of which is revived by the foregoing mention. Lem was a Republican member of the Mississippi Legislature in 1880, but got himself into the Democratic Senatorial caucus by taking the pledge that he was a Democrat and would act with the party in future. It was not long before he drifted into Washington, and became a messenger at one of the Departments, and with an eye to business he has managed to keep the place ever since.
It seems that Lem now aspires to one of the best paying offices in the government, worth anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 a year, over the heads of consistent, well-qualified and deserving Democrats. The report that he will be supported by the Mississippi delegation, the STATE LEDGER will undertake to say, is a fabrication out of whole cloth.
In the snug little place of $30 or $40 a month, which he has been enjoying for 10 or 12 years, he is getting as much as he deserves.
The occupancy of the office of Recorder by Fred Douglass under Arthur, and of Bruce, (ex-Sergeant-at-arms of the Mississippi Legislature) under Harrison, furnish no grounds for the appointment of Lem Moore. It is time to take down the ebony idol.
Daily State Ledger, “Daily State Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/839.
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