New National Era clipping
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is one of the most prominent members of the lower house. He is a man of fine abilities, a forcible speaker, and is an ardent supporter of the modern reforms. It was he who introduced the amendment referred to above. He has but few superiors in the Legislature, and, doubtless, a little more experience will place him on par with the best. His residence is on Jeff Davis's old plantation, with M. Montgomery. Mr. Shadd is doing a good work down here, and, doubtless, the people are proud of the acquisition to the State.
is one of the most prominent members of the lower house. He is a man of fine abilities, a forcible speaker, and is an ardent supporter of the modern reforms. It was he who introduced the amendment referred to above. He has but few superiors in the Legislature, and, doubtless, a little more experience will place him on par with the best. His residence is on Jeff Davis's old plantation, with M. Montgomery. Mr. Shadd is doing a good work down here, and, doubtless, the people are proud of the acquisition to the State.
New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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