New National Era clipping
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Mr. Shadd has shown you, in letters to your paper, of what stuff he is made, so it will not be necessary for me to give a lengthy description of him. He is short, thick, wears his hair very close, but cannot be classified among the fine-looking men of the House. Could he make himself otherwise, doubtless he would, but as this is no acquisition brought about by his own efforts, he must not be held responsible for it. Mr. Shadd has a fine, intellectual, and comprehensive brain, and is among the best cultivated men in the House. He came to this State early in the year 1871, and at the fall election of that year was a candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court against T. W. Cardozo, but was defeated in the convention, but received the nomination for the Legislature. He is Chairman of the Committee on County Affairs, and an active member of the House. He is a native of Delaware, but lived in Canada during the most of his life.
Mr. Shadd has shown you, in letters to your paper, of what stuff he is made, so it will not be necessary for me to give a lengthy description of him. He is short, thick, wears his hair very close, but cannot be classified among the fine-looking men of the House. Could he make himself otherwise, doubtless he would, but as this is no acquisition brought about by his own efforts, he must not be held responsible for it. Mr. Shadd has a fine, intellectual, and comprehensive brain, and is among the best cultivated men in the House. He came to this State early in the year 1871, and at the fall election of that year was a candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court against T. W. Cardozo, but was defeated in the convention, but received the nomination for the Legislature. He is Chairman of the Committee on County Affairs, and an active member of the House. He is a native of Delaware, but lived in Canada during the most of his life.
New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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