New National Era clipping
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HON. JAS. J. SPELMAN, of Madison county. Here you have one, who, the moment you speak to him, he closes his eyes and shows his teeth. He came into the State in 1868 and engaged in teaching, but did not continue long in that occupation. It would take a whole letter to give you a list of the different positions he has held, with comments on each one, for the last five years; so I will merely state them without remarks. They are as follows: Commissioner of Election in 1868; Justice of the Peace in 1869; Alderman of the city of Canton in 1869; Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue in 1869; assistant editor of the Colored Citizen of this State in 1869; was elected to the Legislature in 1869; was a candidate for the United States Senate against Revels in 1870; was re-elected to the Legislature in 1870; was appointed Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, in 1871; was promoted to the rank of Colonel in 1871; was appointed one of the Trustees of Alcorn University in 1871; was correspondent of the New York Tribune and other Northern journals in 1871; was appointed to fill a vacancy as Elector in 1872; was appointed to fill a vacancy as a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention in 1872. It would take some persons their full three score and ten to fill all these positions, but our friend Mr. Spelman does it with great ease in the short space of five years.
New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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