Clarion-Ledger clipping
Dublin Core
Handy, Emanuel, -1922; Edwards, Weldon W., active 1872-1884; Boulden, Jesse Freeman, 1820-1899; Williams, J. M. P. (Jeremiah M. P.), -1884; Truhart, Harrison H.; Lynch, John Roy, 1847-1939; Howard, Merrimon, 1821-; Johnson, J. H., active 1872-1875; Cessor, James D., active 1872-1877; Spelman, James J., 1841-1894; Gray, William, 1841-1919; Tougaloo College; Alcorn State University
Text Item Type Metadata
Confirmation by the Senate.
The following appointments by the Governor, were confirmed by the Senate on Monday, the 1st inst.: E. Handy, ? L. Wofford, A. P. Huggins, W. W. Edwards and L. J. Scurlock, as Trustees of the Normal Department of the Tougaloo University; J. F. Boulden, M. P. Williams, H. H. Truehart, J. R. Lynch and M. Howard, Trustees of the Alcorn University; J. H. Johnson, Trustee of the State Normal School at Holly Springs; J. D. Cessor, Inspector of the State Penitentiary; Joseph Graves, Harbor Master of Ship Island Harbor; Joseph S. Amant, Pilot Commissioner of Pass Christian; A. Warner, Major-General of Militia; L. L. Davis and James Maycock, Pilot Commissioners for Ship Island Harbor and Mississippi Sound; A. G. Packer, Adjutant-General; O. S. Lee, Lieut.-Colonel and A.D.C.; J. J. Spelman, Lieutenant-Colonel and A.D.C.; Wm. Gray, Brigadier-General of Fourth District; Dr. Wirt Johnson and W. E. Gibbs, Trustees of the State Lunatic Asylum, and John Brown, Colonel of First Regiment of Infantry, Coahoma county. -Pilot.
The following appointments by the Governor, were confirmed by the Senate on Monday, the 1st inst.: E. Handy, ? L. Wofford, A. P. Huggins, W. W. Edwards and L. J. Scurlock, as Trustees of the Normal Department of the Tougaloo University; J. F. Boulden, M. P. Williams, H. H. Truehart, J. R. Lynch and M. Howard, Trustees of the Alcorn University; J. H. Johnson, Trustee of the State Normal School at Holly Springs; J. D. Cessor, Inspector of the State Penitentiary; Joseph Graves, Harbor Master of Ship Island Harbor; Joseph S. Amant, Pilot Commissioner of Pass Christian; A. Warner, Major-General of Militia; L. L. Davis and James Maycock, Pilot Commissioners for Ship Island Harbor and Mississippi Sound; A. G. Packer, Adjutant-General; O. S. Lee, Lieut.-Colonel and A.D.C.; J. J. Spelman, Lieutenant-Colonel and A.D.C.; Wm. Gray, Brigadier-General of Fourth District; Dr. Wirt Johnson and W. E. Gibbs, Trustees of the State Lunatic Asylum, and John Brown, Colonel of First Regiment of Infantry, Coahoma county. -Pilot.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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