Vicksburg Herald clipping
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Ambrose Henderson in the Field Again.
We were beginning to believe Ambrose Henderson, the colored politician in the Third Congressional District, had "sold out" to that disreputable character, Barry, when in comes the Columbus Index with news of his return to the political arena as an independent candidate for Congress. Henderson, who was cheated out of the nomination at West Point by Barry's fraud, says he is in for the campaign, and feels confident of walking over the race track triumphantly. From the account given by the Index of his speech in Columbus we extract:
He told his colored friends that he wanted their candid attention and respect, because he was an honest man and conscientious Republican, and supporter of Grant and Wilson. He was before them a candidate because Barry was not legally nominated and he had been solicited by a large number of his friends to run. The district was a colored one in majority, and he thought it right that the majority should rule. It was a lie that he was the candidate of the white people. He could not claim white votes, but expected to be elected by his own color. He would be thankful for the votes of all.
He attended the West Point Convention a candidate. Several ballotings showed that he was next best man, and rising. At this time, Barry in the chair leaned over to the chairman of the Monroe delegates, and whispered "For God's sake, do something for me." That delegation, almost unanimous for Henderson, were rushed out of the house on some pretence, and, in their absence, another vote was taken and Barry declared elected. The editor of the Okolona News swore he saw Parker, the teller, slip extra votes from his sleeve in counting. The Barry thieves had cheated him out of his rights, and he appealed to his people to stand by him. Their leader, Gleed, had told him a dozen times he knew that the nomination was a swindle, and he would do all he could to have it righted, but strange to say, Gleed is now for Barry!
During the latter part of Henderson's speech, the conduct of the negroes became so outrageous, he was compelled to stop, although he preserved his good humor. Their "hurrah's for Barry!" laughing and stamping drowned his voice. The more dignified negroes like Gleed, Moore, Goff and Lovely were disgusted with their brutal conduct. To his credit be it said, Gleed administered a just rebuke to them, and asked that Henderson, right or wrong, be allowed a hearing. He had been a Henderson man in the West Point Convention till the majority decided against him. He objected to Henderson's speech as raising the dangerous issue of race and color, but he asked his people to look at both sides of every question. In an artful talk of fifteen minutes, he had the brutal mob as completely under control as if they had been so many dogs, and all being quiet again, Henderson finished his speech which made a deep impression.
During his appeal to his people to vote for him - as he looked to them alone for his election - Gleed rose and asked:
"Mr. Henderson, why do you attempt to array whites and blacks against each other by your manner of electioneering?" As quick as powder, Henderson replied:
"Mr. Gleed, I'll answer your question by asking another: why do you attempt to array whites and blacks against each other by asking them, as a merchant, not to trade with the white people, but to buy their goods of you?"
Gleed hung his head and the crowd roared. Many are of the opinion that Gleed is bribed by the Barry party to support him. Our own opinion is, that he secretly favors the election of Henderson, but is afraid, in the face of the Convention business, should Henderson be defeated, that his own popularity and influence would be destroyed.
We were beginning to believe Ambrose Henderson, the colored politician in the Third Congressional District, had "sold out" to that disreputable character, Barry, when in comes the Columbus Index with news of his return to the political arena as an independent candidate for Congress. Henderson, who was cheated out of the nomination at West Point by Barry's fraud, says he is in for the campaign, and feels confident of walking over the race track triumphantly. From the account given by the Index of his speech in Columbus we extract:
He told his colored friends that he wanted their candid attention and respect, because he was an honest man and conscientious Republican, and supporter of Grant and Wilson. He was before them a candidate because Barry was not legally nominated and he had been solicited by a large number of his friends to run. The district was a colored one in majority, and he thought it right that the majority should rule. It was a lie that he was the candidate of the white people. He could not claim white votes, but expected to be elected by his own color. He would be thankful for the votes of all.
He attended the West Point Convention a candidate. Several ballotings showed that he was next best man, and rising. At this time, Barry in the chair leaned over to the chairman of the Monroe delegates, and whispered "For God's sake, do something for me." That delegation, almost unanimous for Henderson, were rushed out of the house on some pretence, and, in their absence, another vote was taken and Barry declared elected. The editor of the Okolona News swore he saw Parker, the teller, slip extra votes from his sleeve in counting. The Barry thieves had cheated him out of his rights, and he appealed to his people to stand by him. Their leader, Gleed, had told him a dozen times he knew that the nomination was a swindle, and he would do all he could to have it righted, but strange to say, Gleed is now for Barry!
During the latter part of Henderson's speech, the conduct of the negroes became so outrageous, he was compelled to stop, although he preserved his good humor. Their "hurrah's for Barry!" laughing and stamping drowned his voice. The more dignified negroes like Gleed, Moore, Goff and Lovely were disgusted with their brutal conduct. To his credit be it said, Gleed administered a just rebuke to them, and asked that Henderson, right or wrong, be allowed a hearing. He had been a Henderson man in the West Point Convention till the majority decided against him. He objected to Henderson's speech as raising the dangerous issue of race and color, but he asked his people to look at both sides of every question. In an artful talk of fifteen minutes, he had the brutal mob as completely under control as if they had been so many dogs, and all being quiet again, Henderson finished his speech which made a deep impression.
During his appeal to his people to vote for him - as he looked to them alone for his election - Gleed rose and asked:
"Mr. Henderson, why do you attempt to array whites and blacks against each other by your manner of electioneering?" As quick as powder, Henderson replied:
"Mr. Gleed, I'll answer your question by asking another: why do you attempt to array whites and blacks against each other by asking them, as a merchant, not to trade with the white people, but to buy their goods of you?"
Gleed hung his head and the crowd roared. Many are of the opinion that Gleed is bribed by the Barry party to support him. Our own opinion is, that he secretly favors the election of Henderson, but is afraid, in the face of the Convention business, should Henderson be defeated, that his own popularity and influence would be destroyed.
Vicksburg Herald, “Vicksburg Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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