Weekly Democrat-Times clipping
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Mr. Lem Moore offered the following resolution, which was adopted with great applause.
Resolved, That, whereas, our colleagues in this House have uniformly extended to us in debate and otherwise upon this floor the most courteous consideration, we the colored members by this method, tender our appreciation of the same and desire to express the confidence that we feel that this is an augury of a political future when the race issue will be forgotten, and a common purpose.
Resolved, further, That we tender our undivided thanks to Speaker Johns for the manly courtesy he has shown to us as members of this House, and may the Lord bless him and all the members and officers of this House, and in the end save us all in his mansion.
Resolved, That, whereas, our colleagues in this House have uniformly extended to us in debate and otherwise upon this floor the most courteous consideration, we the colored members by this method, tender our appreciation of the same and desire to express the confidence that we feel that this is an augury of a political future when the race issue will be forgotten, and a common purpose.
Resolved, further, That we tender our undivided thanks to Speaker Johns for the manly courtesy he has shown to us as members of this House, and may the Lord bless him and all the members and officers of this House, and in the end save us all in his mansion.
Weekly Democrat-Times, “Weekly Democrat-Times clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/836.
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