Evening Star clipping

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ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT OF THE LAW DEPARTMENT OF HOWARD UNIVERSITY. The fifth annual commencement of the law department of Howard University took place last evening at the Congregational church, which was crowded by the friends of the graduating class and the institution. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. J. B. Reeve, and the following orations were delivered: "Control of Railroad Corporations," by J. E. Blenheim, of Va.; "Citizenship, State and National," by J. T. Settle, of Miss., and "Legal Remedies," by R. P. Brooks, of Va. Prof. John M. Langston presented to the following graduates diplomas, conferring on them the degree of Bachelor of Laws: John E. Blanheim, Va.; Robert P. Brooke, A.B., Va.; Henry B. Fry, A.B., Pa.; Friend H. Gregory, N.J.; Wm. C. Roane, Va.; John W. Rouse, Pa.; Jeremiah H. Scott, Pa.; Josiah T. Settle, A.B., Miss.

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Evening Star, “Evening Star clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/905.

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