Clarion-Ledger clipping

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Mayson, Henry; African American newspapers

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We cheerfully comply with a request to republish from the Vicksburg Times, the Prospectus of a new paper soon to be issued in that city, under the title of the "Colored Citizen," Henry Mayson Editor and Proprietor. The conductor has been long known to this community as an upright and remarkably intelligent colored man. The indulgence and care of his former owners gave him the opportunity of learning to read and write, which he industriously improved; and by careful study and practice he has acquired a very correct style of composition. While a slave, he was a close reader of passing events, and the habit then acquired has given him opportunities of comprehending the true interests of his race in its new civil and political relations. We have often thought that a paper conducted by a colored man thus informed, and with sincerely philanthropic motives, would be an instrument of much good to his people in pointing out to them the true road of safety and prosperity; impressing their minds with the nature of the obligations which are imposed by the new responsibilities which have been devolved upon them; and the danger of permitting themselves to be led into a position of antagonism to the great body of the people of the State and section in which their destinies are cast, in the absence of a purpose on their part to deprive them of the right which belongs them as inhabitants of a common country. A paper published by an intelligent colored man, having these objects in view, and determined to carry them out, cannot fail to accomplish much good; and we trust this is the mission which Mayson has resolved to accomplish. He has before him a broad field for useful labor, and if our conjecture of his aims be correct, we hope he may succeed in his undertaking.

We observe that the Resolutions of the Conservative meeting recently held at Petersburg, Va. are made the platform of the new paper.



Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 7, 2025,

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