Haley Myrick


#MeToo created with the prompt #MeTooMovemnet in Midjourney's AI tool. 

1. Describe the experience by explaining “what, where, when, who, why and how”.

~ AI Art with Ardith was a Midjourney demo on how to use AI in Art. It took place in Mitchell Memorial Library on March 7, 2024. The demo was lead by Ardith Goodwin.

2. What knowledge and skills previously acquired through in-class and out-of-class experiences did you use during the experience?

~ I used photography skills such as rules of thirds that I learned in class as well as thinking through concept and design.

3. Explain what you learned during the experience and how it aligns with your academic program of study.

~ I learned how to use Midjourney to create unique inspiration of art. It helps to align how I can manipulate my Photography.

4. In what ways was the experience meaningful and beneficial to you?

~ It was beneficial to me as I also paint and draw and using Midjourney, I can create a unique design to transfer to a painting or drawing.

5. What did you learn during the experience that will be helpful to you in your future?

~ Something I learned was that each work of art is unique. It will help me in my future to understand what is real work and AI created work.