Isabella Thompson


Knitting the Self

Image depicting a human figure wearing bulky, colorful, knit clothing with strands of yarn in between their fingers. The background is filled with yarn-crafted shapes of varying colors.

Chaotic Topography.png

Chaotic Topography

Image depicting multiple colorful and varying yarn-crafted shapes on a surface.

AI Art with Ardith was a workshop held on March 7th, 2024 in the Mitchell Memorial Library on the Mississippi State University campus. Ardith Goodwin provided insights into the appeals and uses of AI in art, as well as allowed workshop attendees to experiment using the program Midjourney on provided desktop computers, making AI creations of their own.

During the workshop, I utilized a variety of skills that I obtained both in and out of class. My broadened understanding of the use of fiber art in activism, as well as my deepened interest in eco-art, that I gained from Visualizing Resistance allowed me to come up with more ideas and concepts to experiment with using AI. I also took my personal passions and lifelong interests into account, aiming to create pieces that were colorful but also meaningful (two things that I adore in art, and just life at large).

I definitely learned a great deal during this experience, a lot of which helped to clarify, and at times even dispel, my confusions and apprehensions regarding AI art. This workshop was my first time using an AI program to generate images, which was very interesting, and I also learned a lot about Ardith Goodwin as a creative. I don't know if much of the specifics of the workshop are applicable/useful in my field of study (Horticulture), but I do think they are greatly useful in my personal artistic endeavors.

There was a lot to be taken from the workshop, and I think my most valued takeaway was being able to better understand a different perspective on AI. Ardith mentioned how AI will soon enough, and in a lot of ways already is, become a fact of life, and we cannot run away from it, so we might as well embrace the things it can do to help us. I am still thinking about that point, and although I am nowhere near being ready to fully embrace AI with open arms, I have a better-rounded understanding of it now that I believe to be deeply important.

I think that the big thing I will carry with me into my creative future from this experience is a more open mind and general willingness to understand other art forms. I am grateful for the exposure to such a unique and conversation-starting artist.

Copyright © 2024 Isabella Thompson, all rights reserved. I used the Midjourney's AI tool in the creation of this work, which was made as part of a class assignment. I own the copyright in the portions of the work derived from my own artwork and creative input. I am permitting this work to be displayed in this online exhibit only; it is not to be reused otherwise without prior permission.

Visualizing Resistance
Isabella Thompson