Otto Dix "War Cripples" Oil on Canvas--Nathan Cole
Otto Dix painted "War Cripples" in 1920. Originally exhibited in the First International Dada Fair in Berlin, it was later destroyed by the Nazis, due to its mocking depiction of the German military. Dix served in the German millitary in World War I, and emerged very disillusioned, turning to creating many antiwar works. "War Cripples" depicts four grotesquely disabled German veterans marching down the street. Some have compared the figure composition in this painting to that of Greek friezes depicting idealized forms of gods and men. Here it is done in an ironic, mocking way, as they are all mutilated and broken, far from strength and glory of the classical heroes. In spite of their injuries, they march on, proud even in defeat. Dix fought in the war and knew that they had nothing to be proud of. Through the oblivious pride of the war cripples, Dix warns of the rising nationalism that he saw would lead to more conflict.